Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Senior Missionaries now Riding Bikes

In May, one of our students who was graduating and moving, gave us his bike.  Thank you, James! You are the kindest ever.  Neil was a good sport and agreed to be my biking buddy!  Did I mention that a bike is all Neil had when we dated in college?  It was with him that I rode on the handlebars of a bike for the first (and last) time.  So, for Mother's Day I got a bike.  I needed the bike model without a bar to give me confidence getting on and off the bike in a dress(I've only caught a skirt in the chain once)!

Our bikes aren't fancy, but they have gears and they provide some much needed exercise several times a week.  We even are planning to explore some easy trails.  One never realizes how many inclines are around you until trying to bike up them.  I'm getting better about not having to get off and walk and I have finally gotten the hang of changing gears (Thanks, Dave Moesser and Elder LeB for being so patient)

Finding new Activities as a Couple
Since I got a bike for Mother's Day, it was only fitting that Neil would get a bike rack for Father's Day. The first time we planned an exploring trip, it was raining like crazy when we came out of the Temple. 
It was raining so hard for the rest of the day that we were happy we had replaced the windshield wipers recently.  Clouds and rainstorms are 2 experiences unlike any other.  When it rains, it always makes me a little nervous, especially when there are electronic signs on the freeway flashing, "It's Hurricane Season, be prepared"  I keep hoping it is just a public service announcement and not something imminent.