Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Senior Missionaries now Riding Bikes

In May, one of our students who was graduating and moving, gave us his bike.  Thank you, James! You are the kindest ever.  Neil was a good sport and agreed to be my biking buddy!  Did I mention that a bike is all Neil had when we dated in college?  It was with him that I rode on the handlebars of a bike for the first (and last) time.  So, for Mother's Day I got a bike.  I needed the bike model without a bar to give me confidence getting on and off the bike in a dress(I've only caught a skirt in the chain once)!

Our bikes aren't fancy, but they have gears and they provide some much needed exercise several times a week.  We even are planning to explore some easy trails.  One never realizes how many inclines are around you until trying to bike up them.  I'm getting better about not having to get off and walk and I have finally gotten the hang of changing gears (Thanks, Dave Moesser and Elder LeB for being so patient)

Finding new Activities as a Couple
Since I got a bike for Mother's Day, it was only fitting that Neil would get a bike rack for Father's Day. The first time we planned an exploring trip, it was raining like crazy when we came out of the Temple. 
It was raining so hard for the rest of the day that we were happy we had replaced the windshield wipers recently.  Clouds and rainstorms are 2 experiences unlike any other.  When it rains, it always makes me a little nervous, especially when there are electronic signs on the freeway flashing, "It's Hurricane Season, be prepared"  I keep hoping it is just a public service announcement and not something imminent. 

What does it Mean to be a Grandma?

As some of you may have discerned, once I let my hair grow out to its natural color an inordinate amount of grey has come to light--literally!  As my grandson, Finch, said on Face time "Nanny, why is your hair so grey?"  What could I say? -- he only spoke the truth.  I have a definite white forelock streak so I guess I am dear Olivia LeBaron's true Nanny!
Sporting my Texas Shirt!
The reason I bring all of this up is that several of the students and missionaries talk about me being like a Grandma to them.  Don't get me wrong, I love being a Nanny/Grandma.  This is what I was meant to be.  I know that in my heart.  It is only that it is such a shock to realize that most of the parents of these students and the missionaries are the age of Flori and Rob and Jim and Luci!  I literally am like a Grandma to them because their grandparents are my age.  Coming on my mission, I thought of myself as a "mother" to these YSA and missionaries.  They haven't even seen or heard of most of our favorite movies.  The best perk is that when I return home in a year, I will be much "hipper" as a Nanny to my older grandchildren.

I feel not just antique, but more importantly, incredibly humble in this position.  When I think of the incredible example and role model my own grandmothers have been to me, I fear I will be found lacking!  Good thing they are seeing me through eyes focused on the gospel and the Savior.  He can make anyone look good.  I expressed to our daughter, Mary, today that I feel like I'm not doing enough and she reassured me that most missionaries feel that way.  She said when I start feeling like "I'm there", then I need to worry, because then for sure I won't be doing enough.  I haven't met to make this post a downer, I have just been in a very reflective mood.

So even though I am reflective, I also feel incredibly hopeful.  We have lots of students and YSA this Summer.  Our attendance at our Teachings of the Living Prophets is as well or better attended than our fall and spring classes.  We were worried the first 2 weeks we started up the branch again, but we had more students on Sunday, so that was reassuring.  Since we are also teaching in Madisonville on Fridays (mostly Branch members), I get to look at 2 different perspectives of each talk I study.  I fell my study abilities have definitely increased over the last few months.  I just started the Book of Mormon again and I am just trying to focus on scriptures that may apply particularly to the Plan of Salvation.  I haven't ever focused my whole study of the Book of Mormon on just one topic(granted, it is a huge topic) so it will be edifying to see where it takes me.  Who knows, someday I may be a real scriptorian like Neil of the prodigious memory skills.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

A year ago today

It is hard to believe a year ago today(July 5th), we received our mission call!  What felt so right then feels even more right a whirlwind year later.  I haven't even melted yet in the Texas Summer.  The laid back Summer we thought was going to happen has somehow morphed into long days, short nights and full force ahead activities.

We hosted a pool party for the Institute students on the 4th.  The first girl in the forefront in the pool is Lauren Seiter, our newest member of the Church.  Lauren just graduated and is moving back to Deer Park, TX just south of Houston
July 4th BBQ
The YSA branch usually folds into the family ward in the Summer, but when we started looking at the number of YSA still in Huntsville for the Summer, we started meeting as a Branch again 2 weeks ago.
One of the big challenges we face is the mobile nature of YSA.  We get new students and then they move!  I want to put a move freeze in place.  It would be a lot easier to grow if we just had an addition factor and no subtraction!  Multiply!  Multiply!  I'm like Kevin Costner and his baseball field--"If you build it they will come"

Our Summer Schedule  is as follows:
Monday - Dinner
Anywhere between 8-12 students
Class- Teachings of the Living Prophets
Tuesday - 4 PM Beginning Sewing Class
Wednesday - Prep and Catch up Day
Thursday - Volunteer at the Baptistry @ Houston Temple
Friday - Teachings of the Living Prophets in Madisonville (40 min. north of Huntsville)
Saturday -- laundry, cleaning, ride bikes, renew
Sunday --always something exciting happens including Church mtgs.
Monday - start all over again.    Neil and I take turns teaching TOTLP, so that has been a lot of fun.  Sewing class is usually packed with drama and craziness.  As Brer Rabbit would say --it's my laughing place (some day more than others).  I have a few students that really keep me on my toes.  I LOVE TEXAS!