One of the things I have noticed about Huntsville is how many doughnut shops they have. I have counted over 5 just on the main boulevard and there are even more off the beaten path. With that in mind, I offered to make doughnuts for conference. We opened the Institute on Saturday to host conference on the big screen from our computers. We served homemade doughnuts(actually spudnuts) in the morning and homemade pizza before the afternoon session. It was all well received. I also made a batch of rice krispie treats.
I was impressed with how invested the students were in the conference sessions. This is coming from the woman who hasn't watched a full session of conference uninterrupted by children in almost 40 years. The great thing is that the talks are always so powerful that even being interrupted doesn't diminish from the Spirit. This year was no different. There is power in the word of God being shared by His prophet and apostles.
I had to smile when I listened to Elder Gifford Nielsen talk about exclamation point! It reminded me of a time when our son, Joseph, was mocking me as he read aloud a letter I had written to our son, Bob. Almost every sentence ended in an exclamation mark!(i added that last one for fun!) If there is one thing I cannot be accused of, it is being undramatic!
Clayton Eves and Maddie Becker, our newest members. |
Maddie and Clayton were there for all of the sessions. It puts a special spin on things when you realize they are seeing a prophet of God for the first time in their lives. They both went to the temple the week after they were baptized to do baptisms and are now excited to do family history. They are both also talking about serving missions. There is such a light about them. I really love them.
I read a great article in the October Ensign on becoming men and women of God. I want to design a bulletin board around it.
Elder Cardon quoted several of my favorite scriptures that are pertinent to me--"Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?' and "Wilt thou be made whole?" Unlike Jesus Christ who knew exactly what His mission in life was, I feel like I sometimes fail to see the small picture. I know I have a mission to accomplish, that I am part of a grand design, I just seem to flounder as I pursue the course. I think we all experience that in our lives. We're not leaving the path, we just are having a hard time reading the fine print on the map. Good thing they make bifocals! I am loving this experience of learning more about myself and my capabilities. Don't worry-- I still overprogram and have bigger ideas than I have capability, but I am growing in good ways. My life is still an exclamation point!
Ruth Ann, your are AMAZING!!! (Note the 3 exclamation points!) We love you, Gail & Jim