Monday, September 8, 2014

Sew, sew fun!

Last Spring when we were thinking about what we would like to do this Summer for classes, I had the idea of offering a beginning sewing class for people 10-100!  Luckily, there was no one in the ward who is over 100, so no feelings were hurt.  I made flyers, posters and samples and started recruiting.  Although I have taught lots of serger sewing classes, I hadn't actually taught beginning sewing for almost 40 years.  We  had a good mix of learners.  We made three projects over the course of the summer.  Students made a tote bag, a walker tote for someone in a care center and pajamas. The sewing class was from 4pm - 6pm on Tuesdays.  There were several young mothers who wanted to learn but after several weeks of bringing their small children to class and trying to cut out and sew, I offered to teach an evening class so husbands could put children to bed and the women could have a little night out.

Computer bag
One of the main reasons I love to teach cooking and sewing is the ah ha moments when a student realizes they can do what seemed impossible at the start.
All set up and ready to go!

Ipad case

The art of cutting out and measuring
I originally planned about 6 projects, but it became apparent pretty early on that I had been overly optimistic about how fast people would progress.  There were a few weeks when everyone was at a different place in learning that I felt pretty crazy!  I had 2 young girls, a young man with autism, a couple of women who had never sewed, etc.  It is always good to remember that the finished project is not the goal, but learning confidence and social skills are the most important outcomes.  Now I can say, "Been there, done that"

Zion is Growing!

Our happiest news for August is the arrival of two new grandsons!  Reese Parker LeBaron (Bob and Mary) in Chicago and Finn Adams LeBaron (John and Krista)in Salt Lake City.  It was hard for me to miss being in both those places.  I always look forward to being on hand to cook, hold babies and give encouragement.  This is the first time I have missed being with new grandchildren.  I feel so grateful for facetime and instagram and realize how lucky we are to be able to communicate with family so easily.

Baby Finn  - Love the blue eyes.
Finn is number 5 for John and Krista.  Krista is a real trooper.  She has had major moves with her three youngest while she was pregnant. We are happy she is so resilient.


Another Brilliant Blue-eyed Baby
Reese is Bob and Mary's first child.  It has been fun to see how they have embraced parenting.  I loved it when they said we find ourselves just sitting here for hours watching Reese.  The birth of a child is such an amazing gift from God.  To me it is a symbol of our Heavenly Father's love for us.  I feel so blessed by the privilege I have had to bear 8 children.
Beginnings of our Fall Bulletin Board

On another front, Zion is growing in Huntsville.  Several weeks ago we got the word that we need to have 50 students enrolled or we will lose our building next Summer.  We are in the process of gathering students into our fold.  We are now at 32 and we are reaching out to even more students as we discover members on campus.  The missionaries have been spending a lot of time on campus and they are starting a theme based presentation of BECAUSE OF HIM.
Monday Night Class

This year we are doing a little different schedule.  As we analyzed our student base, we realized that more and more of our students at the institute aren't college students or they attend online at a different school and work full time.  So we took out Friday Forum and lunch and came up with this:

Monday 6pm Pearl of Great Price w/ Elder LeBaron and FHE @7:30.  We did an evening class on Monday this Summer and it really helped FHE involvement.

Tuesday No classes.

Wednesday is a Bread Day at noon with the D&C and I lead the discussion and reading.                                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday we have dinner @ 6:30 and The Teachings of Isaiah @ 7pm with Brother Hull

Friday is another Bread Day at noon with the Book of Mormon and Elder LeBaron leads the discussion and reading.
I love the books the Elders made!